4th Aerosol In-Situ Community meeting
Agenda 4th Aerosol In-Situ Community Workshop – 27. October 2021
Wednesday, 27. October 2021, 9:00 to 12:00am (CEST)
Weblink provided below
Time (CEST) Topics
9:00-9:10 Welcome & Introduction
A. Wiedensohler, JP Putaud
9:10-9:30 Experience from audits for pilot labelling and how to proceed
A. Wiedensohler
9:30-10:00 Further NFs for the follow up CAMS-NRT project in 2022 and ACTRIS eBC level3 product
A. Wiedensohler, O. Favez
10:00-10:20 Affordable drying for the instruments
J. Ondracek
10:20-10:30 Update on aerosol in-situ data for 2020
M. Fiebig
10:30-10:45 Presentation of Total Carbon Measurements at Jungfraujoch
A. Keller
10:45-11:00 Presentation of on-line measurements of OC, EC, TC and BC by using online instruments (TCA, SUNSET and AE33)
M. Pandolfi
11:00-11:15 Presentation of an original work on the intercomparability of statistical methods for the quantification of lockdown impacts on air quality
J.-E. Petit
11:15-12:00 Question and answer session
Zoom-Meeting at
Wednesday, 27. October, 2021 9:00 | 3 hours | (UTC+02:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
update: Presentations and Minutes are available.