ACMCC technical workshop & ECAC manufacturer meeting (online PM chemistry)
Dear all,
On behalf of ACMCC, I'd like to announce two events occurring in November, listed below.
20/11/2024 afternoon: ACMCC technical workshop
ECAC/ACMCC is proposing an on-site technical workshop on 20/11/2024 afternoon dedicated to ACSM QA/QC, including hands-on trainings and SOP revisions.
This will be held at LSCE/ACMCC (collocated with the SIRTA facility:, in conjunction with the 2024 intercomparison exercise.
While on-site venue is preferred, especially for hand-on training, remote SOP discussions will be possible.
If you are interested in specific hands-on, please let us know in the registration form (see below)
21/11/2024 morning: ECAC community - manufacturer meeting (online PM chemistry)
Taking advantage of receiving this year new instrumentations, we would like to have a dedicated time for manufacturers to present their (innovative) solutions for the online measurements of PM chemical composition. We will notably have this year Aerodyne, Ionicon and Aerospec. You will be able to exchange with them (comments, questions), and people on-site shall also have the possibility to see directly some of those instruments at the ACMCC lab.
if interested in participating, please see the registration form below
Hereinbelow is the link to the registration form:
This form is generic for both intercomparison & workshop. If you don't participate to the intercomparison, just answer "No" when asked, in order to be directed to the workshop section.
***Other info***
These 2 events are part of a series of meetings organized or hosted by/at ACMCC between 20 to 22/11/2024. Save the dates & stay tuned, further announcements may come out soon!
Hope to see you there!
Jean-Eudes, Hasna & Olivier, on behalf of ACMCC