Dear all,
this is a kind reminder for the 7th aerosol inset community meeting. It will take place on 07.04.22, 9 to 11.30 am CEST virtually. To join the meeting, please use the link below:
The agenda is attached.
Kind regards,
Stephanie Schüttauf
ECAC office
this is a kind reminder for the 7th aerosol inset community meeting. It will take place on 07.04.22, 9 to 11.30 am CEST virtually. To join the meeting, please use the link below:
The agenda is attached.
Kind regards,
Stephanie Schüttauf
ECAC office
Dear all,
a workshop, organized by ECAC-ACMCC and AIS DC, will be hold on April, 5, 9-12am CEST. Practical information and trainings on new ACTRIS tools for the yearly submission of qualified ACSM data will be given. To join the meeting please use the weblink below:
Meeting-ID: 872 1453 4611
Kenncode: 806356
Thanks a lot in advance for saving the date, and participation of concerned people.
Best regards,
ECAC office
a workshop, organized by ECAC-ACMCC and AIS DC, will be hold on April, 5, 9-12am CEST. Practical information and trainings on new ACTRIS tools for the yearly submission of qualified ACSM data will be given. To join the meeting please use the weblink below:
Meeting-ID: 872 1453 4611
Kenncode: 806356
Thanks a lot in advance for saving the date, and participation of concerned people.
Best regards,
ECAC office
EMC2: Opportunity to access EMC2 services through RADIATE Transnational Access (TA)
LABEC, the INFN accelerator laboratory hosting the EMC2 unit, is participating in a European research infrastructure of ion beam facilities, RADIATE (, that currently offers transnational access (TA) to the external-beam PIXE-PIGE facility for atmospheric aerosol sample analysis to external users.
Member of ACTRIS can benefit of this opportunity for high-sensitivity and high-throughput elemental analysis of atmospheric aerosols collected on daily, hourly and size-segregated (e.g. impactor) samples, using Ion Beam Analysis techniques, typically PIXE and PIGE with 3 MeV proton beams and exploiting a dedicated detection set-up made by an array of Silicon Drift Detectors for X-ray spectroscopy. Given the pandemic situation hands-off experiments are welcomed: the user sends the aerosol samples, we will analyse them and then we will send them back.
The users have to submit a proposal to RADIATE’s proposal submission system, RADIATE GATE (https:// Check this presentation as a guideline.
Access is granted free of charge to positively evaluated proposals. Download the proposal template to prepare your proposal.
Information on how to submit a measurement proposal to RADIATE TA can be found at the following website:
After the beam time at LABEC , once the measurements are finished, you will have to submit an experimental report in RADIATE GATE.
It is suggested that you contact Massimo Chiari ( before submitting a proposal for advice on the beam analysis method and requested hours that are most appropriate, and for support in proposal submission.
LABEC, the INFN accelerator laboratory hosting the EMC2 unit, is participating in a European research infrastructure of ion beam facilities, RADIATE (, that currently offers transnational access (TA) to the external-beam PIXE-PIGE facility for atmospheric aerosol sample analysis to external users.
Member of ACTRIS can benefit of this opportunity for high-sensitivity and high-throughput elemental analysis of atmospheric aerosols collected on daily, hourly and size-segregated (e.g. impactor) samples, using Ion Beam Analysis techniques, typically PIXE and PIGE with 3 MeV proton beams and exploiting a dedicated detection set-up made by an array of Silicon Drift Detectors for X-ray spectroscopy. Given the pandemic situation hands-off experiments are welcomed: the user sends the aerosol samples, we will analyse them and then we will send them back.
The users have to submit a proposal to RADIATE’s proposal submission system, RADIATE GATE (https:// Check this presentation as a guideline.
Access is granted free of charge to positively evaluated proposals. Download the proposal template to prepare your proposal.
Information on how to submit a measurement proposal to RADIATE TA can be found at the following website:
After the beam time at LABEC , once the measurements are finished, you will have to submit an experimental report in RADIATE GATE.
It is suggested that you contact Massimo Chiari ( before submitting a proposal for advice on the beam analysis method and requested hours that are most appropriate, and for support in proposal submission.