Welcome to CAIS-ECAC - Center for Aerosol In-Situ - European Center for Aerosol Calibration and Characterization
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Here is the latest version of the questionnaire formulated for each ACTRIS Station to fill. Please note that this is a preliminary version that we all could improve with in time as a community.
ECAC | 14 Sep 2021

3rd aerosol in-situ community workshop - 2nd part of preliminary recommendations

Dear friends from the aerosol in-situ community,

This is a reminder for the 2nd aerosol in-situ community workshop. The topic will be the preliminary recommendations released by ECAC. The agenda is attached. To join the meeting please use the link below.

topic: ACTRIS Aerosol In-Situ Workshop (3 Std)
time: 15.September, 2021 09:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Meeting-ID: 824 0168 1669
Kenncode: 633520

If you have questions/ comments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward to see you on September 15th.

Best regards,
ECAC office

On behalf of Alfred Wiedensohler
Director ECAC
ECAC | 21 Jun 2021

News from ECAC and the DC

Dear friends from the aerosol in-situ community,

Here come a few announcements on the behalf of ECAC and the DC In Situ:

1. We are sorry about the confusion. However, due to organizational reasons, we have to postpone the aerosol in-situ community workshop for data QC and data submission, which was previously scheduled for May 4, 2021.

2. The new workshop date is Wednesday May 19 from 09.00 – 12.00 CEST. You will receive a separate Outlook invitation for this meeting, including the detailed agenda. The short agenda will be discussions about:
a) microphysical measurements (CPC, MPSS, CCNC)
b) optical measurements (AP, int. Nephelometer)
c) chemical measurements (OC/EC, ACSM)
d) other technical questions.

3. The ACTRIS In Situ Data Centre unit will offer an intensive support period for your questions around data reporting. Between 17 – 21 May 2021, we will have increased focus on responding to your questions (via as fast as possible.

4. Our DC In Situ colleagues Ann Mari and Yong will give lectures on the data reporting process at the Hyytiälä winter school next week. The lectures will be turned into videos. These videos will be made available as educational material for your help (by separate mail once available).

5. We plan monthly aerosol in-situ community workshops from now on (2 hours). The meeting on May 19 will the first one of the coming up series.

6. All meetings will be announced in future on the official ACTRIS and the ECAC websites

7. The topic of the next follow-up aerosol in-situ community workshops will be about the revised version of the “preliminary recommendations”, which will be released latest in June 2021.

8. ECAC und the DC created a new email list of the ACTRIS aerosol in-situ community hosted by the data center (this email was sent by this email list)

9. We are sure that this email list in not complete yet, since we don’t know all interested people, especially from the new coming up National Facilities. We would like ask, if you could possible inform also your colleagues about this list. If they want to be added, they should write an email to Markus Fiebig (

Best wishes and a good weekend
Alfred Wiedensohler & Markus Fiebig
ECAC | 30 Apr 2021
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