Welcome to CAIS-ECAC - Center for Aerosol In-Situ - European Center for Aerosol Calibration and Characterization
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ACTRIS ACSM Data submission workshop (April 5th 9-12am cest)

Dear all,

a workshop, organized by ECAC-ACMCC and AIS DC, will be hold on April, 5, 9-12am CEST. Practical information and trainings on new ACTRIS tools for the yearly submission of qualified ACSM data will be given. To join the meeting please use the weblink below:
Meeting-ID: 872 1453 4611
Kenncode: 806356

Thanks a lot in advance for saving the date, and participation of concerned people.

Best regards,
ECAC office
ACSM | 30 Mar 2022

ACSM ECAC Com. meeting on 2022 Feb. 1st (9-12am CET)

Dear European ACSMers
As firstly announced during our last general ECAC community meeting, we will have a virtual technical meeting dedicated to ACSM calibrations and some other ACSM-related technical topic you would like on Feb. 1st 2022 morning (9-12am CET).

If interested in, please:
- Save the date on your agenda,
- Send your wished discussion and presentation topics to asap.

The meeting weblink and the agenda will be sent later on (based on the propositions we will get by early January).

Best regards
ACSM | 20 Dec 2021
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