EMC2: Opportunity to access EMC2 services through RADIATE Transnational Access (TA)
Published by EMC2 in Information · Tuesday 29 Mar 2022 · 1:15
EMC2: Opportunity to access EMC2 services through RADIATE Transnational Access (TA)
LABEC, the INFN accelerator laboratory hosting the EMC2 unit, is participating in a European research infrastructure of ion beam facilities, RADIATE (https://www.ionbeamcenters.eu/), that currently offers transnational access (TA) to the external-beam PIXE-PIGE facility for atmospheric aerosol sample analysis to external users.
Member of ACTRIS can benefit of this opportunity for high-sensitivity and high-throughput elemental analysis of atmospheric aerosols collected on daily, hourly and size-segregated (e.g. impactor) samples, using Ion Beam Analysis techniques, typically PIXE and PIGE with 3 MeV proton beams and exploiting a dedicated detection set-up made by an array of Silicon Drift Detectors for X-ray spectroscopy. Given the pandemic situation hands-off experiments are welcomed: the user sends the aerosol samples, we will analyse them and then we will send them back.
The users have to submit a proposal to RADIATE’s proposal submission system, RADIATE GATE (https:// gate.hzdr.de/user/). Check this presentation as a guideline.
Access is granted free of charge to positively evaluated proposals. Download the proposal template to prepare your proposal.
Information on how to submit a measurement proposal to RADIATE TA can be found at the following website:
After the beam time at LABEC , once the measurements are finished, you will have to submit an experimental report in RADIATE GATE.
It is suggested that you contact Massimo Chiari (chiari@fi.infn.it) before submitting a proposal for advice on the beam analysis method and requested hours that are most appropriate, and for support in proposal submission.